Item Details
WaterJel 15.4″ X 12.7″ X 8.15″ Critical Burn Kit (Includes Hand Burn Dressing, Facial Burn Dressing, Burn Dressings, and Scissors In Impervious Durable Kit Bag)
Weather-resistant kit includes burn dressings for critical and dangerous hand burns and facial burns
Ideal for electric and gas utilities, food manufacturing, foundries and other high heat manufacturing areas
(2) 8 X 20 Hand Burn Dressing (1) 12 X 16 Facial Burn Dressing (1) Roll Gauze (1) Impervious Durable Kit Bag (1) Scissors
Product Attributes
First Aid Product Type
Burn Care
Brand Name
Size Description
15.4″ X 12.7″ X 8.15″
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