Sensidyne Gilian Flow Wet Cell Kit is designed to use with Gilibrator models and features control base, standard flow cell, DC charger/AC power supply, tubing and soap. Calibrator provides primary standard accuracy and pump performance validation for all air flow equipment from 2 – 5000 cc/min flow capability. It will run any of several diagnostic tests “Load” simulation and provides two load simulations for high and low flows to copy sample line backpressures. Diagnostic calibration standard flow wet cell kit with a unique exchangeable bubble cells mechanically generate perfect bubble films and the electronics control calculation of air flow rate, averaging and test number of each sequence. Optional thermal printer offers hard copies. A built-in Magnehelic gauge permits visual monitoring of in-line backpressures up to 40″ H2O as well as visual leak testing and monitoring capabilities. Rotameters permit instant visual indication of approximate flow rates, assisting in properly adjusting air flows.
Control Base Standard Flow Cell Bubble Generator Assembly Flow Cell Solution Dispenser 120 Volt Battery Charger Tubing Hard Shell Carrying Case Calibration Certificate And Instruction Manual
Product Attributes
Use With Model
Gilibrator-2 Diagnostic Calibration System
Product Type
Flow Wet Cell Kit
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