Fend-all by Honeywell Emergency eyewash Refill Cartridge for Flash Flood eyewash station delivers a buffered, saline solution superior to tap water for emergency eye care. Sealed cartridge contains 1 gallon of preserved and pH balanced saline solution. 1 gallon Eyesaline cartridge is easy to store and provides quick changes without mixing or measuring. Shelf life is determined by the date of manufacture and always checks the product’s expiration date.
Easy installation with no plumbing required, can be easily wall mounted for placement near most workplace hazards
One gal cartridges are easy to store and offer quick changes without mixing or measuring
Highly visible green color provides easy identification in an emergency situation
Dual nozzles provide simultaneous flushing to both eyes for three minutes
Unique cartridge design delivers a buffered, saline solution superior to tap water for emergency eye care
Lightweight, highly portable system may be easily wall or table mounted
Easy-to-use nozzle strap is easily removed for hands-free flushing, leaving hands free to hold eyelids open
Easy-to-use design features simple, highly visible operating instructions on the unit itself
Complies with ANSI Standard Z358.1-2009
Airborne particulates
Gas, vapors, smoke
Shelf life determined by date of manufacture. Always check product expiration date
Product Attributes
Safety Product Type
Cartridge Refill
Size Description
1 Gallon
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