
1/8″ EM13K Spoolarc 29S Carbon Steel Submerged Arc Wire 1000 lb

Original price was: $4,490.00.Current price is: $100.00.

SKU: NLJU249592389619 Category:


Item Details:

ESAB SPOOLARC 29S is a general purpose copper-coated wire suitable for many carbon steel welding applications using the Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) processes. SPOOLARC 29S contains moderate amounts of manganese and silicon to provide sufficient deoxidation over light mill scale. SPOOLARC 29S can be combined with a variety of active and neutral bonded fluxes to achieve better welding performance over SPOOLARC 81 wire. SPOOLARC 29S is used in a wide variety of applications including heavy equipment, automotive parts, railcars, agricultural equipment, and sheet metal welding.

Product Attributes:

Attribute Value
Trade Name Spoolarc 29S
AWS Classification EM13K
Diameter 1/8″
Weight 1000 lb


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