
1/8″ A5.23 Spoolarc 75 Carbon Steel Submerged Arc Wire 65 lb Coil

Original price was: $437.00.Current price is: $100.00.

SKU: NLJU249592389653 Category:


Item Details:

ESAB SPOOLARC 75 1/8″ Submerged Arc Welding Wire, 65 lb Coil. Spoolarc 75 is a copper-coated 1% nickel solid wire for carbon steel and low alloy welding applications using Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) processes. Spoolarc 75 produces a deposit that meets the weathering requirements of AWS D1.1 and D1.5 and is designed to weld weathering steels and/or where improved low temperature impact toughness is specified. Spoolarc 75 is typically used with a neutral flux such as ESAB OK Flux 429, 10.71, and 10.62. Spoolarc 75 is used for bridge and structural welding.


  • AWS/ASME SFA5.28

Product Attributes:

Attribute Value
Trade Name ENi1K
AWS Classification A5.23
Diameter 1/8″
Weight Spoolarc 75
Spool Diameter 65 lb


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