Item Details:
OK Aristorod 12.50 is a bare Mn-Si-alloyed G3Si1/ER70S-6 solid wire for the GMAW of non-alloyed steels, as used ingeneral construction, automotive components, pressure vessel fabrication and shipbuilding. OK Aristorod 12.50 is treatedwith ESABs unique Advanced Surface Characteristics (ASC) technology, taking MAG welding operations to new levelsof performance and all-round efficiency, especially in robotic and mechanised welding. Characteristic features includeexcellent start properties , trouble-free feeding at high wire speeds and lengthy feed distances , a very stable arc at highwelding currents , extremely low levels of spatter , low fume emission , reduced contact tip wear and improved protectionagainst corrosion of the wire.
Product Attributes:
AWS Classification |
FA/AWS A5.18: ER70S-6 |
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