SurfPrep Interface Pads
Manufacturer: SurfPrep
The 3 X 4 Variety Pack comes with a selection of our most popular 3 X 4 interface pads. Each pad can be used for a different application.
The pack also includes the J-hook Backup Pad. If you are doing a lot of sanding with an interface pad, we recommend using the J-hook backup pad because it holds the interface pad tighter.
Includes the following:
– 3 X 4 Soft Interface Pad (Grey) [SPIP3X4]
– 3 X 4 Firm Interface Pad 7mm Thick (Yellow) [SPIP3X4F7MM]
– 3 X 4 Firm Interface Pad 15mm Thick (Yellow) [SPIP3X4F15MM]
–3 X 4Medium Interface Pad (Yellow) [SPIP3X4MD]
– SurfPrep 3 X 4 Backup Pad Hook & Loop J-Hook [SPBP3X4J]
We recommend using aJ-Hook Backup PadorJ-Hook Backup Padwith Holeswhen sanding with any Interface Pads. This is because the interface pad will not stay in place while sanding using a standard Hook and Loop backup pad, whereas using a J-Hook backup pad will allow the interface pad to stay in place.
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