
Hopper for Gen 3 Peak Pumps

Original price was: $180.00.Current price is: $90.00.

SKU: H15847401 Category:


Manufacturer: C.A. Technologies
Part Number:70-290

Description:Hopper for Gen 3 Peak Pumps

Paint hoppers are designed to hold and supply paint or other coatings to a spray gun or other painting equipment.

Typically made of metal or plastic, hoppershave a capacity that can range from a few ounces to several gallons, depending on the application. Paint hoppers provide a steady supply of paint to the spray gun during painting operations, especially in situations where a large volume of paint is required. The hopper is connected to the paint pump inlet through a hose and gravity feeds to the pump.

Paint hoppers are commonly used in industries such as automotive, general industrial, construction, and woodworking, where large volumes of paint or coatings are required to be applied quickly and efficiently.


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